Providing healthy learning environments for tomorrow’s leaders
Since 2017, ServiceMaster by Stratos has played a role in providing healthy learning environments for the leaders of tomorrow through its work in Shelby County Schools facilities. More than 200 service partners cover nearly 5 million square feet every day! From classrooms to gymnasiums to lunchrooms, our team of dedicated professionals is proud to help our children have a safe space to learn and grow.
Improve health
With thousands of students across 47 facilities, a lot of germs could spread rapidly and lead to sickness for our SCS children. To avoid the potential spread of illness, our service partners pay close attention to high traffic areas such as sinks, faucets, toilet handles, door knobs, light switches and school desks. Aside from fighting the common cold and flu, keeping SCS facilities clean helps with another health problem you might not suspect – asthma. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Memphis is one of the toughest places in America for asthma sufferers to live because of factors including, high pollen levels and high poverty rate. Those living below the poverty level oftentimes live in substandard housing that is unclean, contains mold or has drafty windows – all things that contribute to the worsening of asthma symptoms. By helping to keep SCS facilities clear of dust, mold and debris, Stratos is doing its part in helping asthma sufferers avoid triggers that could lead to absenteeism while at school.
Avoid absenteeism and distraction
If appropriate cleaning is not conducted, pesky germs can run rampant, infecting students and causing absences. A study conducted by the American Federation of Teachers reports that chronic absenteeism in kindergarten brings about lower academic performance in the first grade. Even just one or two absences a month can add up and contribute negatively to the child’s educational development. By enjoying clean classrooms and facilities while at school, children can avoid staying home because they are under the weather, as well as benefit from increased concentration, keeping them from falling behind their peers. By eliminating dust bunnies and trash, and helping SCS in its decluttering efforts, unnecessary distractions can also be avoided. Ensuring classrooms, as well as other areas of the school, are spick and span, helps teachers keep their pupils on track and focused on the task at hand – learning!
Clean environments undoubtedly contribute to overall well-being. This means that administrators, teachers, staff and students, are healthier physically, mentally and emotionally when they spend their days in a clean school. With two years of SCS service under our belts, our team is looking forward to continued personal and professional growth, just like the students, during the 2019-2020 academic year.
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