The pictures we paint through communication
We’ve all heard a picture is worth a thousand words. What picture are you painting?
Here at Stratos, we use a tool called CompanyCam to take pictures of job sites before, during and after our work is done to show our progress and the final product. This provides us with physical pictures, of course, but it’s important to consider the figurative pictures we paint for customers, as well.
We have found it’s better to tell your story in pictures you paint for others, rather than simply in words because the information is easier to retain. Many don’t remember what is told to them verbatim, but they do remember the figurative picture you paint for them. Shaking hands, making eye contact, wearing proper attire and greeting a customer sincerely can go a long way and make a positive impact. These actions personalize the brand. Our hard working team members are no longer seen as the ghosts who come in at night to clean an empty office space, they are an active participant in building strong relationships with customers. These actions paint a positive picture for the customer.
Another phrase you are probably familiar with is, “Words are a dime a dozen.” Actions speak louder than words when it’s all said and done. When working to paint a pleasant picture, it is essential to convey empathy and understanding in more than just your spoken word. One way to do this is to give your undivided attention to a customer in every interaction. Don’t glance at your watch or phone. Instead, nod or respond when appropriate. By doing so, you are creating an image of yourself and the organization in their head that speaks to how important customers are and how dedicated you are to providing exceptional service. Being able to genuinely talk with another without distractions makes them feel seen, heard and respected. And isn’t that what we all want – to know those we communicate with are not just hearing what we’re saying, but are listening? In Stratos’ case, it’s leaving the conversation with information that will help enhance services and relationships with customers.
Strengthening relationships by being intentional about nonverbal cues, as well as expressing empathy and understanding, has undoubtedly improved the figurative pictures we paint. What picture are you painting for those you serve? How can you improve upon what others are perceiving of your organization?
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